Wednesday 25 January 2012

Online research

The F-Word is an online magazine that explores ideas on contemporary UK feminism. It was founded in 2001, in order to make known that young British feminists existed and that it was just as fascinating and important then as it was in the 60's and 70's. It allows and relies on contributions from readers, so people can share ideas, opinions, blog posts, videos etc.,8599,1972425,00.html

This is an article written by Laura Fitzpatrick, arguing that we live in a world of 'enlightened sexism'. She talks about how 'embedded feminism' of the 60's and 70's allowed women to become an equal part of popular culture (women are now in film/TV in high-powered occupations) but on the other hand, women are portrayed as sexual objects, obsessed with their looks and men all over the media. By 'enlightened sexism' she means that it is suggested by the media that women have now achieved full equality so it is 'OK' to use sexist images of them.

This is a blog called Feminist Media: Taking back the Media. It allows people to post articles, ideas and opinions, links, videos, recommended books etc. and discus with each other. I watched a couple of video clips.

A website that allows for people to share their presentations. This particular slide show by Rob McMinn, is Titled Feminism and the Media. I took a lot of notes in my contextual journal, whist reading through a few of these presentations.

An essay on 'Body Image and Eating Disorders' from The Barnard/Columbia Women's Handbook 1992. It was quite appropriate to my research, as it discusses the disjunction between womens' 'real' and 'ideal' body images - it is popular culture and the media which have ingrained this 'ideal' body image into the minds or male and females in this society.

Brilliant information about body image from the National Centre for Eating Disorders. I learnt about feminist therapist, who discus and educate with a client/client group, the negative body images that saturate women of today, and allow service users to see the bigger picture. This can help to understand external attributions to their own negative emotions in regards to their bodies, and may help to target any routes for their feelings. 

The Feminist Media Project is concerned with representations of missing and murdered women. Started by academics and journalists, focusing on 'the related trial of Robert Pickton in Vancouver, British Columbia, for 26 charges of first-degree murder in the slayings of women'. I thought this was interesting as I had never come across a project similar to this. It made me think of the way women are represented in reality, as appose to always thinking how women are portrayed with the ideal body in popular culture. 

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