Thursday, 2 February 2012

My artwork

In the studio, I am currently exploring ideas and making work about the illusion of perfection of women's bodies in the media. Bit of a mouthful, but basically how the images and messages we are exposed to everyday, constantly tell us what we should consider beautiful and what should be considered as 'imperfect'. The bodies that we see are a false perception of females - the majority have been dramatically photoshopped and they continue to only use one body type. That body type is said to only count for about 5% of women, excluding the other 95% of us. We are told that we are not good enough, through masses of pictures and text. We are made to feel that our image is supposed to be the most important thing, and that achieving the 'perfect' appearance criteria will bring us everything we desire... happiness, success, sexuality, etc.

It's damaging in so many ways to women, both consciously and subconsciously, but also it effects men. They can be manipulated into believing that only women of a certain look are attractive, and it can make them look at females for only their visual value. Men lose respect for women and women lose respect for themselves. I hate that our society is brainwashed with this whole idea of 'perfection'.

Photograph: Self Portrait

Photograph: Self Portrait

Oil pastel: Self Portrait

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